How is « Tsé » used around the world?

For those who don't know the origin of our company name, the « Tsé » is a french Canadian expression short for « tu sais » which translates to "you know." Quebecers are famous for creatively shortening and merging words and it's just how we speak. That being said, we thought exploring how the expression is used worldwide would be fun!

« Tsé veux dire » or "You know what I mean" is an idiom used worldwide. The language or phrasing may be slightly different, but the intention is always the same: validating a message and getting your point across.

To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge.
— Confucius

Here is a list of ways it is used around the world:

English (International): You know what I mean? or You know?

English (American): Nah mean?

English (UK): I say

English (Jamaican): Mi Deh Yah, Yuh Know

French (international): Tu vois ce que je veux dire ?

French (Quebec): Tsé veux dire ? or Tsé ?

Haitian Creole: Èske w konnen sa mwen vle di? or Ou konn sa map di la?

German: weißt du, was ich meine?

Japanese: Imi ga wakarimasu ka?

Spanish: ¿Me entiendes?

We could go on and list many more, but we think you get the idea by now. We hope you enjoyed the effort and stay tuned for more articles like this one.


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